Sunday, December 8, 2013

Gulliver: Huge AND Humane

Although some people had a hard time seeing why Gulliver was so kind to the Lilliputians, it was easy for me to see where he was coming from. I have always been taller and, well, bigger than all of my friends and classmates ( and usually my professors, as well). Reading the first book of Gulliver's Travels, I found myself feeling a lot like him in some ways. Maybe not in the description of his bathroom habits, but in the ways in which he reacted to the Lilliputians. When you are bigger, most people tend to expect you to have a very harsh and demanding personality. In fact, most of the friends I have now will explain that they were afraid to talk to me ridiculous! Of course, they all came to realize that I am a "Gentle Giant," and would not do anything to purposefully hurt them physically or otherwise. ANYWAY, I think this is the judgment we as readers, have automatically put upon Gulliver. As I have to look through my friend's eyes to see how intimidating I may seem at first, Gulliver must do the same for the Lilliputians. He is a giant for goodness sakes! If someone that big came crashing into Maryland, we would tie them down too! The actions that the Lilliputians took, were purely to assure the safety of their people. I can't speak for the way in which the Lilliputians somewhat held him captive, but nobody is perfect! As a giant myself, I felt the need to defend Gulliver's respectful actions. Just because you have the ability to step on others, doesn't mean they deserve it. And it surely doesn't mean that you should take advantage of that fact, either. P.s My computer is doing this wierd thing and it won't let me type in the "compose" section. This is why my entire blog is in one long paragraph. I also wanted to add a picture of me and my shortest friend, but it decided to deny that request too...ahh well!


  1. I never even thought of it this way, being the average height that I am. I think that this goes for all tall people in general. It is never fun to look up at someone because it makes you feel inferior... that is until you get to know the person. This makes me think of all the people in power that people "look up to." Even though they may not necessarily be taller (although the taller candidate does usually win elections), the power they are entitled to can be used for good or evil. I like the term "gentle giant," and I think people in the government positions globally should take into consideration Gulliver and the Lilliputians.

  2. I also did not see Gulliver's actions in this way at first, probably because my height is somewhat average, or short, depending on who you ask. I didn't really realize at first why Gulliver decided to stay and live under the rules of people who had treated him so horribly, but they simply felt threatened by him because of his unusually large size, and Gulliver did not want to escape by killing them or threaten them any further. I think its cool that you were able to understand this story by relating it to your own experiences.

  3. I would have never thought to think about how it felt to be a tall person surrounded by people who are much shorter. I'm I guess what people would refer to as average height, but I come from a family of relatively tall people, so I refer to myself as short. Having too look up to talk to someone or making them sit down is second nature to me now, so it having to jump of the counter to reach items in kitchen cabinets, but I never really thought that being tall was a bad thing. But now that you mention it, I can see how being a taller person can be just as frustrating as being one of the shorter people.

  4. I would like to hope that it has less to do with the fact that Gulliver is "tall" and more that he is generally bigger, which does render him more able to protect the Lilliputians than the Lilliputians are able to protect him. My small dog needs protection, but a big dog like a German Shepherd or a Mastiff can take care of itself.

    And since we're all talking about people's heights- CURSE YOU, UNIVERSE, FOR TRAPPING ME AT 5'6"!
