Thursday, October 17, 2013

Euthanasia in Utopia: Good or Bad?

So in class we talked about the different traits of Utopia and whether they were good or bad and why. One of the more talked about and controversial traits we touched upon was how euthanasia was allowed in Utopia. Euthanasia had been written on both the good trait side and the bad trait side of the classroom. We talked about it in some detail, but our time was limited so we had to move on to the next thing. I don't know if anyone here is against euthanasia, but I'm all for it. If a person is in pain and has no hope of recovery, he/she might as well be dead, and to let them suffer like that is just inhumane. I honestly don't see why euthanasia was put on the bad trait side of the classroom. Unless you're like, religious or something, I understand I guess.

So euthanasia works the same way in Utopia as I hope it would here on planet Earth. If someone's sick, dying, and a burden to the community, they can choose to go out with dignity, or not, and still be taken care of. That's the beauty of Utopia, you have the choice to live or die when you might as well be dead.

One thing that rubbed me the wrong way was how Utopia chooses deals with suicides. From page 71, "But the suicide, who takes his own life without the approval of priests and senate, they consider unworthy either of earth or fire, and throw his body, unburied and disgraced, into a bog."


That's just so screwed up, right? I mean, the fact that someone living in Utopia has to get approval from the church or the government to kill themselves, is just ridiculous. Utopia seems like an unrealistically nice place, but there are a lot of things that make it come off as downright creepy. Like dumping suicides into a bog, that's pretty creepy, right? Everyone being required by law to wait till marriage to have sex, creepy. All of the cities being identical and everyone wearing the same clothes, creepy.

It's like something out of the Twilight Zone. This seemingly perfect community has it's creepy side after all. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Maybe I'm just too used to living in the real world, because I don't really like Utopia, save for a few traits its people have, like their desire for learning, how euthanasia is allowed and how all religions are accepted (except ones without gods apparently). But what does everyone else think? Do you like Utopia? Or do you find it creepy like I do?

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