Friday, December 13, 2013

Measure for Measure... and Music!

While I was in the shower, I started to think about how lonely a quiet shower is, especially in the morning, when I'm trying to get energized and ready for the day ahead. I wished that my iPod had better portable speakers so that I could wrap it in a plastic bag and listen to my music in the shower so I wouldn't have to hear the extremely annoying muffled conversations of every other person in the bathroom with me.

Then I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if the books we read in class had a soundtrack?" This thought was born out of desperation, I'll admit, and the need to talk about other things for this blog. But hey, music!

 Also, I don't remember if anyone else has done this before. If so, thank you so much for inadvertently inspiring me! You are a magical human. If not, then cool, too, because I sort of borrowed the soundtrack idea from Tumblr, as well.

So here's  my music series for "Measure for Measure". I came up with songs that I think say a lot about the three main characters: Angelo, Claudio, and Isabella. They might be songs that have to do with their characters, or songs the characters might listen to, were the play set in modern times.

Angelo (the dirty bastard)
"All These Things That I've Done"-- The Killers
"Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone you Shouldn't?)" -- The Buzzcocks
"Turn Me On" -- Bromheads Jacket
"Arabella" -- Arctic Monkeys

Claudio (ya hecked up big time, buddy)
"Apple Tree" -- Wolfmother
"World Spins Madly On" -- The Weepies
"The Lion and the Wolf" -- Thrice
"Older Brother" -- Pepper Rabbit

Isabella (oh girlie, ya got some decisions to make)
"Almost Pretty" -- The Perishers
"Awake my Soul" -- Mumford&Sons
"Dead Sea" -- The Lumineers
"Mace Spray" -- The Jezabels


  1. I just want you to know that I love everything about this post and that you are a flawless human being. While I don't know all of the songs you chose, I do know the majority of them, and I think they fit pretty well. I always love when I get to the end of a book and the author has a list of songs they listened to while writing a certain scene or whatever. What is better than books and music, especially when they are together?

  2. Cool blog post! I really love the song "Mace Spray" by The Jezabels. This song fits Isabella's character perfectly. I also found it really cool how you incorporated songs with "Measure for Measure". I agree, it would be nice if some of the novels we read had songs along with them!

  3. I love this idea! Very creative. I don't know a lot of these songs but I like that you took the time to find songs that match these characters. I love that Killers song, and I think that it fits him pretty well!

  4. ... If we're going to go this route, then why wasn't Angelo also given Hellfire? I mean, I know the poor girl's not a gypsy, but the evil tone of the villain song certainly matched the clip we watched in class.

  5. I too think that this post was really creative, and a beautiful way to think of a book. We always think of movie soundtracks, but it was interesting that you took this method and applied it to the books. I love the songs you picked for Isabella, especially since her character is faced with a difficult decision. The Lumineers' song reminded me of possible consequences for Isabella with the lyrics saying "I been down, I been defeated" (Dead Sea). I also really loved your choice of "Awake My Soul", I think this song perfectly speaks to Isabella feeling on Angelo, trust, and her virtue.
